Saturday, July 22, 2006

More work

This week I was able to work in the garden in the afternoon. It has been raining and it has been cloudy so I took advantage of that. I planted the 3 small cotton plants I got from Misti and her husband. I also moved the Rudbeckia (sp?) next to the milkweed. The plants in that side of the garden are orange/yellow and look good. I also planted more okra seedlings in the bed with the other ones. Only one is growing tall, the other 2 are smaller. I have seedlings for Red Malabar Spinach and I will put them in the other vegetable bed.

I put more mulch around the beds. I finally connected the new bed with the one that has the 3 queen palm trees. I still have to do a lot but little by little I am doing it.

This morning I worked on the back beds, next to the pool screened. I trimmed most of the plants and cleaned around them. I got two bags of cuttings.

We saw 3 types of butterflies and 3 or 4 different moths. One was a Gulf Fritillary and it almost landed on Carlos and Titi, it kept flying around us. It was much prettier than the pictures I have seen on the internet. Orange in one side and brown, orange and red on the other. Most of the pictures only show orange and brown. We also saw a Yellow Sulphur and a Zebra Longwing. People were saying that they had not seen Zebras since last year's hurricanes. I guess they are back.

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