After many weeks of not gardening, today I was able to work in the front beds. I weeded and planted the bulbine that Mimi gave me for Christmas and I put two other plants variegated (can't remember the name) near the walking iris. I had them in the north side of the house so they were not getting any sun but I have seen them in full sun and I hope they will make it there. They will get morning sun.
I also mulched a little but like always, I ran out of soil and I didn't finish planting and I could not continue mulching. It was also too hot to be in the sun so I need to do it another day once there is shade in that side.
I also weeded the lawn in the back. My gosh, there are hundreds of dandelions! I am going to put mulch under the swing set since there are so many weeds there and I am hoping that will help a little. I took so many dandelions that when I went to take a shower and closed my eyes, I could see the shadow of a dandelion. The image was stuck in my brain.
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