Monday, May 01, 2006

Plant sale

I had promised myself I was not going to buy any more plants until I planted all the ones I have, on the ground. Well, on Saturday I could not resist going to the Mounts Botanical Garden's Spring Sale. I said to myself I was only going to look but I looked in my bag to see if I had any cash. I had $25 so I said, "well, maybe I would spend $20". I did buy 3 plants and a bag of fertilizer for the banana. I try to use only organic fertilizers but they told me I needed to put some fertilizer on the banana trees or they will never set fruit. I got a begonia and 2 small red Potterweed, one for me and one for my sister.

I was very happy and impressed to see the way the gardens looked. I was there in November and they looked terrible, almost everything was damaged by the hurricanes and most sections were closed to the public. It was very sad. Now almost everything is opened. They lost most of their huge trees but it still looks great. I saw their vegetable garden and I finally got inspired and I have drawn plans for mine. They used Society garlic in some of the beds and it looks so pretty.

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