Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dried chaya leaves for tea

I have been selling cuttings of Chaya plants and people have been asking me if I also sell chaya powder or dried chaya leaves for tea.  It is time consuming to pick the leaves, wash them, and then dry them so I do not know if I am going to have enough time to do it regularly.  For now, I am selling some on Ebay.


I also have Chaya cuttings and Chaya plants for sale.


Ultimamente, he estado vendiendo plantas de Chaya y la gente me ha preguntado si tambien tengo a la venta hojas de Chaya para te o las hojas en polvo.  Me toma mucho tiempo el escoger las hojas, lavarlas, y despues secarlas pero al fin lo hice.  Por el momento, estoy vendido unas hojas para te en Ebay:


Tambien tengo plantas de Chaya a la venta.

I gallon bag of Chaya leaves for sale. They are dried and could be used for tea or to put on smoothies.