I have neglected the garden and it doesn't look good :-( We need to hire somebody to redo the sprinkler system because it looks like it is not working in many areas. We haven't had rain and there are water use restrictions so everything looks very dry. We are only allowed to water the lawn and garden on Sundays and Thursdays and I was not here on Sunday so I did not see if the sprinklers were working. I can't wait until tomorrow when I will be able to water everything.
I have been watering the plants in containers from water I have been collecting in the kitchen. It is a lot of work but it is worth it. Yesterday I got the box of vegetables from the farm so I washed everything in a big plastic container and saved the water in a bucket and I used it to water plants.
I am so happy because HGTV is showing again Gardener's Diary. That is my favorite program on TV. I watch very little TV but I make sure to watch that one. They show the most amazing gardens!!
The bananas we got seem to be finger bananas. I think that Lady gave me the plant. All the stalks are open and now I guess I should wait until the mature a little.